Principado da Pontinha

The Principality of Pontinha, also known as Principado do Ilhéu da Pontinha, is an unrecognized micronation located on a rock of 187 square meters, 70 meters off the city of Funchal on the island of Madeira. The Principality is a creation of the owner of the islet, the self-described Prince D. Renato Barros I, Prince of Ilhéu da Pontinha and Voter of Portugal. In 2007, the number of citizens of the Principality was of an inhabitant, the own Renato Barros, although this does not reside in the territory. In 2014, according to Renato Barros, the population of the principality was constituted by himself, the woman and the two children.
In January 2007, Renato Barros, a professor of Visual Education and owner since 2000 of the São José Fort, announced that he was moving an international process to create a principality on the Pontinha Island, a rock located at 70 meters of the coast of the Island of Madeira, and connected to this by the pier of the Port of Funchal, where the fort is implanted.
Renato Barros acquired the fort in 2000, for the amount of nine thousand contos (about forty five thousand euros current), with the aim of studying the energy of the waves of the sea. The Funchal Master Plan, approved in 2004, provided for the opening of a bar-restaurant, with terrace and viewpoint in the Fort of São José. This plan later underwent an alteration, which removed the tacit authorization for the opening of a bar / restaurant / terrace, thus rendering the commercial use of the fortress unusable, and nullifying the claims of the legal owner of the property, which were knowledge of the Regional Government. Although this was not its initial purpose, when the building was purchased, Renato Barros developed his intention to recover the fortress and rock, whose history dates back to the island's first exploration trip, led by João Gonçalves Zarco, with the aim of it is useful to you by opening a bar and a museum space to the public.

Declaration of Independence

Picture of the Fort with a flag
In November 2007, Renato Barros presented to the Representative of the Portuguese Republic in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, Monteiro Diniz, a "request for the detachment of the Principality of the Island of Pontinha."  On the 29th of that month, Cesidio Tallini, activist of the cause of the micronations and fervent supporter of the independence of Long Island, issued a statement on behalf of "Prince D. Renato Barros, sovereign of the Principality of Pontinha", formally announcing the secession of the principality of Portugal, constituting the Fort of Saint Joseph as the capital of the self-proclaimed country. The "prince" emphasized his good relations with the Brazilian Government, stating that if the principality is recognized, this will be the gateway for Europe.
In October 2010, the "Principado da Pontinha" celebrated the 107th anniversary of the alienation of the São José Fort, with the participation of the New Democracy Party, which gave a press conference on that occasion, in which José Manuel Coelho, then deputy of that party, issued several warnings about an alleged threat of the fort selling an Iranian millionaire.

Claim to independent territory

Renato Barros claims that when King D. Carlos sold the fortress in 1903, he did so by granting such privileges that could justify the independence of the territory, and proceeded to sell not only the property, but also the domain of the island where it is located and the fort was built and that Torre do Tombo, as a Portuguese authority duly authorized for this purpose, recognizes the full validity of the document for the sale of the property and the domain of the islet. The property was placed in public auction and sold from the National Treasury, in order to complete and recover the Fort of Nossa Senhora da Conceição do Ilhéu on the largest islet east of the island. The Royal Charter, which Renato Barros retains in his possession, states the following:

King Charles of Portugal
“Dom Carlos, por Graça de Deus, Rei de Portugal e dos Algarves, faço saber aos que esta Carta de pura e irrevogável venda virem, que, precedendo as diligências, anuncio e solenidade da lei e estilo arrematou em hasta publica na Repartição de Fazenda do distrito do Funchal no dia 3 de Outubro de 1903 Cândido Henrique de Freitas, pela quantia de 200$100 réis, na conformidade das leis de 13 de Julho de 1863 e 22 de Dezembro de 1870 o seguinte prédio que pertencia à Fazenda Nacional... E foi posto à venda na lista 1446B a saber : concelho do Funchal Parte do Forte da Pontinha com a superfície de 172,80 m2 na freguesia de São Pedro (Funchal); confronta do norte e leste com o molhe da pontinha, sul e oeste com o rochedo dando pelo mar....”        — Paço, 26 de Outubro de 1903
Renato Barros claims that, unlike the Desertas and the Selvagens, reacquired by the Portuguese State by Marcello Caetano, this territory has never been retaken. He further states that if his claim was not legitimate, the steps he is taking to form the principality would be sufficient reason for him to be arrested, and that this is not the case because Portugal sold that parcel of territory, which would now be independent.

Although he did not submit anything in particular, he stated that he had in his possession international opinions that support his claim to prince and the independence of that territory of the Portuguese Republic. He also said that he had already taken his claim to the United Nations, preparing the way for the realization of the island's independence. 

Painting interpretaiting conflict 
between both countries, Portugal 
and Pontinha
In 2007, Renato Barros stated the purpose of carrying out his idea of ​​forming an independent principality in that property until the end, for reasons of self-esteem and in response to the way he claims to have been treated by the Portuguese nation, have blocked their intentions to commercially exploit the site. In this sense, he said that he considered the attitude of the Portuguese State to be correct, since, not having sovereignty over the territory, he could not legislate or approve it at all: "Right here they are doing certain works, I was unable to do anything at all There could only be one mistake: I was asking for something that was not from Portugal It was always legitimate the attitude of the Government, because this is not Portuguese. and in the end they were right. "4 In November of the same year, Renato Barros submitted a formal request for the detachment of the Principality of the Island of Pontinha to the Representative of the Portuguese Republic in the Autonomous Region of Madeira and 29 Cesidio Tallini, activist of the cause of micronations, publicly announced that the Principality had unilaterally declared its independence from Portugal.

On September 6, 2010, Renato Barros formally petitioned the Portuguese State for the immediate recognition of the Principality of Pontinha as a "sovereign and independent State", communicating its intention by letter sent to the Presidents of the Republic, the Assembly of the Republic, Prime Minister, Ministers Foreign Affairs and Internal Affairs and Representative of the Republic of Madeira. In the document he pointed out that "the last King of Portugal, King D. Carlos I, in 1903 proceeded, by Royal Charter, to sell not only the property but also the domain of the island where the Fort of Saint Joseph is located and built, stating that "the duly authorized Portuguese authorities, namely Torre do Tombo, recognize the full validity of the document of sale of the property and the domain of the islet". He also maintained that the self-proclaimed "Pontinha Principality fulfills all the requirements required by Public International Law to be recognized as a sovereign and independent State", since it has "territory, dominion over this, people and the respective Constitutional Monarchical Charter," invoking that both the Public International Law and the Portuguese State recognize the "right to self-determination of the peoples", there being "no reason, de facto or right, to prevent the Portuguese Government and its State from recognizing the Principality of Pontinha as a sovereign State and independent, much less because of a small portion of a territory whose domain has alienated. "

Validity of the claim

According to the historian Alberto Vieira, what King D. Carlos alienated, historically, was the building of the fort, and sovereignty was never alienable, continuing the islander, in his opinion, to be as Portuguese as it was before the sale of the Fort of San Jose. The same historian affirms still to know if there is in the International Right any prerogative that gives some reason to Renato Barros.

According to the jurists Jorge Bacelar Gouveia and Guilherme Silva, Renato Barros's claim is not supported by Portuguese law, namely in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, and is hardly based on [Public International Law] and the instruments of International Law, in particular the Charter of the United Nations. According to them, it is not enough to prove the possession of a parcel of land to claim the independence of that parcel. In addition, according to article 5, paragraph 3, of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, "the State does not alienate any part of the Portuguese territory or of the sovereign rights that it exercises over it, without prejudice to the rectification of frontiers", being this sovereignty "one and indivisible ", and the flag a symbol of" unity and integrity of Portugal ". According to Guilherme Silva, even if there is a property title and land register, and ignoring the question of being a military stronghold, which legally refers to a different solution, and even if there is a notary register granting that in 2000 the seller was owner legitimate when it sold the building, and recognizing itself to be property not covered by the maritime public domain, since it is in the hands of private before December 31, 1864, this is not enough to legitimize the claim.

According to the same jurists, the self-proclaimed "Principality" does not fulfill all the requirements required by international law in order to be recognized as a sovereign and independent State, since although it possesses territory, however small, it has no people. understand as such a single family sample. According to Jorge Bacelar Gouveia, the claim of sovereignty and property is not legitimate, "since the Portuguese State has legislation that determines the public domain on this island. On the other hand, there are no requirements for the formation of a State: no there is a people, an effective power, a territory. " Likewise, the "Constitutional Monarchical Charter" and title deed are not a "safe conduct" for independence, and may even be legally argued whether the property was effectively alienated by the Portuguese State, or whether it was the dynastic patrimony of the Portuguese Royal Household. And although the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic does recognize the "right of peoples to self-determination" in Article 7, that rule must be combined with other reasons, in fact and in law, cumulative or not, in order to legitimize this pretension. 

But even if there is any possibility of recognition, it can only be invoked in the United Nations itself and supported by legal instruments such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966, Nations, resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, the Vienna Convention, the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, the Covenant of the League of Nations, the Statute of the International Court of Justice, the Council of Europe, or NATO, by which it can be verified the legitimacy of the claim.

In response to the two jurists, Renato Barros stated that he had received several requests for the attribution of dual citizenship and the granting of titles of nobility, so that the Principality would meet all the requirements to be recognized as an independent State: a people, part of which diaspora, an effective power and a territory, even if small, and therefore can not be considered a "utopia".

International recognition

Although Pontinha's Principality reaches the conditions that a state should have, according to the Montevideo Convention, this principality has never been recognized by any UN state, but it is recognized by another micronation, the Principality of Seborga. This micronation, Seborga, is not a micronation like others. Because Seborga, some centuries ago, it was an independent country. Seborga was annexioned to Italy, but Seborgans says that the transmition of that Principality to Italy is not clear. So Pontinha is now recognized by a micronation which was a recognized nation in the past. What is clear, is that Prince Renato II produced a situation of territorial dispute which can give one day the independence of the Principality of Pontinha.


Pontinha Passport
In 2007, Renato Barros announced he already had plans for a constitution, a currency and an anthem. The currency would be the 'point', for the territory to be in Pontinha, and the citizens would be known by the 'points'. The spoken language would be the 'fennel' of Funchal. The flag would be sea blue, with the islander drawn.
He also announced the intention to form his own people, by means of an invitation by citizenship letter, in which the visas will have to swear that they want to be citizens of the "Ilhéu da Pontinha" - name of the so-called "country" - and that they respect its Constitution, and the Government that will be formed. Renato Barros provides a simple executive, according to the size of the country, ensuring that he will not be the president himself, but someone nominated by him.

The national day would be the 3 of October, date of the alienation of that patrimony by Portugal. Renato Barros also elaborated an extensive Citizenship Charter, with which he intends to receive the future population, having himself registered with the number 00000001 in the Citizens' Book of the Principality.

In early 2017 "Principado da Pontinha" had a terrace with a sun hat and chairs, steps and a grotto, and a poster with a photo of "Prince D. Renato I".


According to the owner of the island, the island is not, in light of international law, Portuguese territory since 1903; does not control its borders, does not require passports for entry, and does not have taxes for non-forensics, in order to attract a larger tourist public.

In December of 2015, the Principality of the Ilhéu da Pontinha adopted Bitcoin as official currency.
The Prime Minister of the Principality of Pontinha is Joby Weeks, who is an entrepreneur who participates in bitcoin businesses. Joby Weeks proposed to addopt bitcoin as an official currency in Pontinha. The Prince, Renato II of Pontinha accepted the petition of the Prime Minister, and from that moment, bitcoin is the official currency of the Principality of Pontinha.

We should understand that Pontinha is a templar state, so templar elements play a very important role in this Principality. Renato II always sho to turists the templar elements which are present in his islet. So tourists in this country, can pay with bitcoins, make photos with the Prince and visit the Islet, which is like a museum plenty of templar elements. Renato II is an artist and he is an excellent drawer. Every person that put its feets to his Principality, obtain a retrait from the Prince. Renato II draws everyone who enters in his Principality. The peculiar political status that Pontinha has, makes every day more and more interesting to visit the Principality. 

Future perspectives:

Lets consider that one day, Pontinha begins to become recognized by several independent states. In that case, the economic perspective of Pontinha whould be sublime. Imagine a tax heaven located in an islet next to Madeira and with the possibility of buying plots of land and building projects there, next to the sea. Imagine that this international recognition becomes real, the amount of people that would get interested in visiting the country. Imagine Pontinha to be the only one country in the world with a currency like bitcoin and with a big crypto-currencies entrepreneur as Prime Minister as it is Joby Weeks.

A Pontinha independece could be very effective and real for the Principality's economy. 
If Pontinha becomes an independent state, his economic perspective would be wonderful, but Madeira would also benefit from this economic boom. Perhaps an independent Pontinha would help Madeira to be independent and perhaps this is a reason why Portugal is not interested in Prince Renato II dreams.
Visitors of Pontinha drawed by the Prince Renato II
But we should be conscient, that nowadays, Pontinha is not internationally recognized, so the Prince should look for alternatives that gives to people a certain interest to visit his Principality. The Prince, with the help of his official diplomat, also thought on creating a project of digital democracy. Renato Barros is also interested in energy, he things energy is the future of economy, so he installed some solar panels in his Principality. Pontinha is the only country in the world, whose energy is 100% from renewable sources.


EDP refused to install electricity on the property.  According to Renato Barros, this happened due to the interference of the president of the Regional Government of Madeira, Alberto João Jardim, after that refusal to sell the Island of Pontinha again to the Government of the Region. In order to supply the electricity supply, Renato has installed a solar panel and a small wind turbine, being therefore the energy produced at 100% from renewable sources.


Access to the islet of Pontinha by the sea band, to the west, where José Manuel Coelho contributed. In the background, the Argentine school ship ARA Libertad, one of the fastest sailing ships in the world.
In February 2017, the regional deputy José Manuel Coelho requested political asylum to the Principality of Pontinha after being sentenced to a year of prison by "crime of aggravated defamation".

Already in October 2010, José Manuel Coelho, then as a member of the New Democracy Party, had used the issue of the Principality of Pontinha politically. On the occasion of the "commemorations of the 107th anniversary of the alienation of the Fort of Saint Joseph", the party called a press conference in which the MP declared that the PND-Madeira was "apprehensive" about the threats of the sale of the fort, that this sale could mean the end of the regime of Alberto João Jardim, which constituted a "threat to the independence of the Autonomous Region of Madeira", evoking a supposed danger of "introducing a terrorist network behind the Iranian millionaire who intends to buy the Principality"

Future perspectives 

In 2007, the property owners claimed to be making efforts in an attempt to recover the existing furniture, already having elements of the project of the old fort.
The goal of Renato Barros was then, once everything formalized, power in the future to do in the fort what he understands, since it will be in his "country". The teacher considers himself a "crazy within the norm", confessing to have few supports, nor to be able to count on the familiar support in the fight for the independence of the small territory. Renato Barros claims to be sure that this whole story will "end badly" and with negative repercussions for Portugal.
Renato Barros stated the intention of claiming the right to the two hundred nautical miles around him, and everything else to which he is entitled. Once independence has been achieved, the teacher admits to selling the principality to anyone he wants, such as Hezbollah or the Palestinians, because they are a people without territory, or whoever else they want.


Madeira's climate consists of hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. In general, April to September is mostly dry, whilst October to March is fairly wet.
The warm ocean currents around the island help dictate the climate and mean an absence of extreme hot or cold temperatures. The cooling winds that brush across the island also help to keep summer temperatures more comfortable. Humidity is not usually a problem on the island, being quite stable all-year-round, with averages ranging between 67% and 72%.
The island's weather is greatly affected by the winds which prevail in the region. The main wind to affect the weather on Madeira is the north east trade wind that comes down from the Portuguese coast. Also playing a significant role is the hot wind that occasionally blows over from North Africa.


The Pontinha's architecture is so peculiar. The Prince, Renato II is conscient about that. He tries to spread the most number of photos possible about his Fort. The floor plans and façades of the Fort are very nice, this is why Renato also makes a spread of floor plans and drawings about his Principality. 
We should remember that Renato Barros is not only a Prince, he is one of the most famous artists in Madeira Island, so he likes drawings so much. He has a huge sensibility of the architecture of his own Islet or Fort.
All the boats that arrive to the Port of Funchal, can see the Forte of San José, which is the Principality of Pontinha. This Principality is located in the port, so a lot of tourists and merchand people that arrive to the port make photos to the Fort of San José. The aim of Renato is to achieve tourism for his Principality. The privileged location of the Fort, in the Port, next to the Atlantic Ocean, could make Pontinha, in a International known place for tourists.


One of the great things we can include in Pontinha's inheritance is his popularity. I always say that micronations have the benefit of conquering the curiosity of people, but for that is necessary to have a good lidership as a ruler of the country. Is the case of Renato II, his mediatic strategy has been wonderful. He has been interviewed in several portuguese media, physical and digital media. He is very known for his drawings as an artist. Renato's aim is to bring to his islet, a lot of tourists. This objective is becoming a reality. Pontinha has been very visited during the last years. When Renato bought the Islet, it was an abandoned place, now it is one of the touristic attractions of Madeira tourists. 
Newspaper photo
But Renato, who is a clever man analyzed and though how to bring media interest in his own Fort. He organized several strategies. When he proclaimed independence, a lot of Madeira citizens were informed of these situation, so some local media talked about that independece. But Renato used Internet for spreading his aims of independence. After that, Renato II invited to a portuguese politician to live in Pontinha, giving to him, political asylum. This politician was one of the most famous politicans in Portugal. He was a candidate in national election in Portugal. So Portuguese media also talked a lot about Pontiha's fact. In that moment, historians and lawyers made several statements considering the legal and juridic position of Pontinha in the political map.
Renato II tried to sell the Islet. Perhaps this was a strategy to capture media attention and promoting the Principality.
Roman Plesky wroteMadeira Rundreise: Ein Foto Reiseführer mit Google Maps Ortung, where he talks about the Principality of Pontinha in german. He is not the only author who writes in german about the Principality. Guido Derksen also talked about Pontinha in his book Madeira: text only e-book.

French Media
ZeJournal is a french digital newspaper and talked a lot about Pontinha's Principality. which is common media in France, also talked about Pontinha's independence.

Spanish Media and the English and American Media also played a very important role on publishing articles about the new country of Pontinha. On Internet we can find a lot of articles and images spread by all those medias.

An Atlas of Countries That Don't Exist: 
A Compendium of Fifty Unrecognized 
and Largely Unnoticed States
Principality of Pontinha in the cinema

In April 2010, a short documentary film entitled "The Principality of the Fort of S. José - The Diamond that Illuminates the Pearl of the Atlantic" was presented at the Fifth International Film Festival of Funchal. in a book recently launched, addressing the vision of Renato Barros on the islet of Pontinha, produced and produced by Ilídio Ribeiro and the assistant of realization Carla Moura.
On April 30, 2016, he premiered at the Madeira Film Festival, the documentary "Um Sonho Soberano", a film about Renato Barros. The session was held at the Baltazar Dias Municipal Theater.
The film, directed by Gonçalo Portugal Guerra, received a total of 7 nominations for several film festivals, eventually running out during the screening at Cinema São Jorge in Lisbon. 
- Wood Film Festival;
- Barcelona Planet Film Festival;
- Martinique International Film Festival;
- Avanca Film Festival;
- Figueira Film Art;
- CineEco Festival - Seia;
- FESTin - Itinerant Festival of the Portuguese Language (Winner of the "Best Documentary - Popular Jury" Prize)
In an interview for Agência Lusa, the director commented: "Over time, I realized that Renato Barros is just one of several elements within this dream: there is the prince, the family, the queen, his mother, there is the islet, there is the fort of São José, there are people who work there , who receive tourists, treat the gardens, do works, "he said, noting that the documentary also includes interviews with archaeologists and historians to contextualize the situation.
The film seeks, on the other hand, to touch the viewer with the "magic of fairy tales", at a time when the current news is marked by tragedy.
"This magic was one of the things that also attracted me a lot and motivated me to make the film. It's a different story and this makes the project more appealing," said Gonçalo Guerra, stating that "what is lacking in audiovisual projects in Portugal is make different stories ".
The author of this blog also made a video about the Principality of Pontinha.



Renato Barros is a painter and an artist. He was very famous in Madeira. He decided to buy an islet, the Forte of San José, and do to the special status that the history have given to this islet, he proclaimed the independence of this islet creating the so called Principality of Pontinha. He became the Prince of his own domain, the Forte of San José, in 2007. From that moment to now, he became very famous in Portugal and in social media around the world. He rules his own little principality in the Funchal Coast, in Madeira. He rules the country as Renato II of Pontinha. He developed several international actions asking for support of Pontinha's independence. He appeared in several newspapers around the world. Libertarians thing this man is an hero, because he is trying to obtain the real independence of a territory, which is an objective that very few people in history has achieved. His personality can be compared to Giorgio Carbone, the founder and Prince of Seborga or perhaps Paddy Roy Bates, the founder and Prince of Sealand. Renato II is one of the most famous people of Madeira and he is considered as a libertarian man who uses its own resources to have its own sovereignty. Although he has not a good relation with the Portuguese state, he tries every day to improve the diplomatic relations with both states. He delegated several diplomats around the world, helping them to promote his Principality around the world. Renato Barros has been interviewed by several newspapers and televisions in Portugal. 

Joby Weeks,
Prime Minister of the
Principality of Pontinha

Joby Weeks is a great businessman well known for his online business. He is an entrepreneur who invest in technology. He is a bitcoin follower, he believes in digital currencies. He is quite famous in Internet because of his videos explaining how to earn money with digital currencies. He has a lot of followers around the world. He became the Prime Minister of the Principality of Pontinha. He proposed to the Prince D.Renato II of Pontinha to introduce Bitcoin as the national currecny of the Principality. The Prince accepted. From that moment, the name of Joby Weeks appeared in several newspapers, almost all of them digital newspapers. He is considered to be a libertarian, he is part of several worldwide associations related with cryptocurrencies and libertarian ideology. He is a follower of Liberland, the most libertarian nation in Europe. He has participated in several events. He is also a member of anarchapulco.

He has also participated in some interviews, on of them in TheAnarchast Channel, in youtube.
Joby Weeks is a very well known libertarian. He has participated in several interviews about economy, in specific, the ones of digital currencies. He is a worldwide bitcoin expert. He has long discussions with bitcoin and cryptocureency professionals. Joby Weeks became very famous on internet when he began explaining how to make great money while sailing around the world. He explained that in a youtube video, receiving thousands of visits. He also participated in the Blockchain 2016 Summit, so he is a very active libertarian who believes in cryptocurrencies.


Jorge Bacelar Gouveia, professor of law, jurisconsult, constitutionalist and deputy to the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal gave his opinion about the sovereignty of the Principality of Pontinha and he postulated the following:
"In my opinion, this claim to sovereignty or property is not legitimate, since the Portuguese State has legislation that determines the public domain on that island. On the other hand, there are no requirements for the formation of a State: there is no people, an effective power, a territory. "
His opinion was not favorable to Ponthinha's independence, but he is a very well known person in Portuguese history and politics, so his opinion about the Principality of Pontinha is a real proof that Portugal considers Pontinha as a political subject. The fact that an important person as Jorge Bacelar Gouveia gives his opinion about the Principality is geood news for the Principality, that means Portugal gives a certain importance to this issue. Jorge Bacelar Gouveia says that one of the reasons because, he doesn't recognise Pontinha's independence it is because there are not requirements for the formation of a State (people, government, effective power and territory), but it is not true because Pontinha has these requirements.


For Guilherme Silva, although there is a property title and land registry, making it cheap to have been a military strongman, which legally refers to a distinct solution, even though there is a notarial record granting that in 2000 the seller was a legitimate owner when he sold the building and recognizing property outside the maritime public domain, being in the hands of private before December 31, 1864, this does not legitimize the claim.

Alberto João Cardoso Gonçalves Jardim

Alberto João Cardoso Gonçalves Jardim GCC • GCIH (Funchal, Santa Luzia, February 4, 1943) is a lawyer, public official, journalist and Portuguese politician.
He was president of the Regional Government of Madeira, between 1978 and 2015.

Official Functions

2nd President of the Regional Government of Madeira (1978-2015) and, by default, State Councilor
Member of the Defense Council of the Portuguese Republic
Member of the Superior Council of Internal Defense of the Portuguese Republic
Member of the National Security Superior Council of the Portuguese Republic.
He has one of the longest political careers, of democratically elected leaders from any jurisdiction around the world. He was director of Jornal da Madeira, continuing to be his regular collaborator. Alberto João Jardim is also a member and former vice-president (2000-2001) of the Committee of the Regions of the European Union. He is honorary president of the European Summit of Regions and Cities. He is founder and member of the European Regional Assembly and was vice-president of the European People's Party. He was elected successively as a deputy to the Assembly of the Republic and to the Legislative Assembly of Madeira, where he spent a year and a half (1976-78) as leader of the PSD bench, but from then on he always opted for the position of president of the Regional Government, he served between March 1978 and April 2015. He was the chairman of the Conferences of Peripheral Regions of the European Union, from 1978 to 1996, of which he is now honorary president. He is a founding member of the Assembly of European Regions, to which the Council has already belonged.

His relation with the Principality of Pontinha

Already in October 2010, José Manuel Coelho, then as a member of the New Democracy Party, had used the issue of the Principality of Pontinha politically. On the occasion of the "commemorations of the 107th anniversary of the alienation of the Fort of Saint Joseph", the party called a press conference in which the MP declared that the PND-Madeira was "apprehensive" about the threats of the sale of the fort, that this sale could mean the end of the regime of Alberto João Jardim, which constituted a "threat to the independence of the Autonomous Region of Madeira", evoking a supposed danger of "introducing a terrorist network behind the Iranian millionaire who intends to buy the Principality"


Renato's aim is not only to be recognized as a state, he also has the desire of creating a famous and well-known country in our world. He takes care of marketing. He thinks that with advertising his principality, he will reach independence or perhaps a certain recognition from a state. What it is sure, is that he will reach recognition from people.


Pontinha's independence is logical, is a place not only with right of self-determination, is also a place with culture and history which is envolved of templar elements. Pontinha is a templar country. In the past, the Templars played a very important role in Europe's History. Religion has always played a very important rule to the thinking and moral of the population. Pontinha is perhaps the only country of the world which is plenty of templar elements. But Renato II wants to use all this templar history and all this templar elements that surround his country to attract a huge number of visitors around the world.
This is why Renato II is looking for publicists for his country. Thanks to the use of Internet, Renato II has a huge opportunity to promote his country. Nowadays we have lots of technologies for promoting whatever around the world in a fe minutes.
Renato II, Prince of Pontinha has a very well reputation on Internet. He has thousands of followers around the world that support him and his cause.

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Would you like to have a Passport from Pontinha?

Prince Renato II of Pontinha is fighting for the Independence of his own country, the Principality of Pontinha. The government of Portug...