Saturday 7 April 2018


European states don't want to recognise Catalonia as an independent state. But the truth is that the political and social situation in Catalonia is giving too much noise to the European Institutions. The President of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont was arrested. In the last days a lot of journalists are talking about the peculiar catalan situation. Catalans are very active in social media and the news are spreading too fast. A lot of institutions are raising the voice, and claiming the right of self-determination to the Catalans.


Julian Assange is talking too much. He always support catalan independence. And this is why he has been silenced banning to him the use of Internet.

Varoufakis and Eno are collecting signatures for supporting Assange, silenced because of his support to Catalan Independence.

According to the Portugal News, Portugal’s prime minister, António Costa, said on that he totally supported the constitutional principle of the unity of Spain and that the unilateral declaration of independence by Catalonia “disturbed the political situation in Spain”.

Catalan newspaper says that the majority of Germans are against Puigdemont extradiction.

According to, the President of the German Parliament gave a warning to Mariano Rajoy, President of Spain. This warning was because of the circumstances which are taking place in Catalonia.
Also, according to Catalan News, 51% of Germans are against Puigdemont’s extradition.

The french media ''generation'' says that Catalonia has the wish to change Europe.
The french newspaper, Le Monde, also is talking a lot about the Catalan issue. They wrote an article: ''The legal and political puzzle of the Puigdemont case in Europe''
This newspaper, ''Le Monde'' also said that Puigdemont case is a "European legal headache"
Another newspaper, Liberation, also talking about the catalan issue:
Le Figaro, also talking about Catalonia, with this article: ''Presidence of Catalonia: Turull enters the track''
More important FRENCH MEDIA, L'Independant also talks about the Catalan issue:
So we have seen that the most important French Media are talking about Catalonia, but also a lot of alternative media are explaining this issue. One example is the case of the media, who has explained very well what is happenning in Catalonia.

Luxembourg is one of the countries where the media has talked more about the Catalan conflict.
The Luxemburger Wort, a known media in Luxembourg, annonunced the detention of the Catalan president. Le Quotidien, which is another Luxembourg media, also talked about that fact.
L'essentiel newspaper said that Puigdemont will never give up with his independence whishes.

A finnish MP asked to two German MP's how will they treat to Catalonia. This Finnish MP is Mikko Karna.
According to La Vanguardia, Mikko Karna asks to expel Spain from the soccer world until it solves the Catalan crisis.

The title of the article says the following: A Catalan view on how a St Andrews professor faces 30 years in a Spanish jail for 'sedition'
The Financial Times, one of the most prestigious newspapers in the UK, is also talking about the Catalan Issue.
The Guardian, another of the most prestigous newspapers, also has written several articles about the facts which are taking place in Catalonia.
The other day, the Headline news were opnned like this: German prosecutors ask court to extradite Carles Puigdemont to Spain.

Friday 6 April 2018

The Montevideo Convention

Most libertarians know about the Montevideo Convention. However most people don't know about it. The Convention was signed by 19 states. This convention establishes the definition of a State, as well as its rights and obligations. The best known conceptualization is that of Article 1, which establishes four characteristic criteria of State, which have been recognized as an accurate statement in customary international law:
I. Permanent population.
II. Territory determined.
III. Government.
IV. Ability to enter into relations with other States.

The Montevideo Convention in the case of Catalonia:

Everyone knows that Catalonia is wishing to be an independent state. The Spanish State does not allow to split Catalonia from Spain. But according the Montevideo Convention, Catalonia has the right to do so. Let's check what is the Montevideo convention and why catalans can apply the right of self-determination in their case.
The Montevideo Convention stablishes several conditions to be an independent state. The first of them is to have a permanent population. Catalonia has more than 7 million people. From that population, more than the 50% of it, is autoctonous from the region. The second principle to fulfill is to have a territory determined. Catalonia has a territory, but it is part of Spain and here it is the reason why Catalonia is not reaching the 4 principles of this convention. The third principle says to have a government. Catalonia has a government. Carles Puigdemont, the President of Catalonia, has the ability to control the government of Catalonia. The last principle, the Montevideo Convention stablishes to be an state is to have the ability to enter into relations with other States. Catalonia has this ability. First of all, the last Catalan Presidents, Artur Mas and Carles Puigdemont have stablished relations with independent states. Raul Romeva, one of the members of Puidemont's government, has stablished diplomatic relations with a lot of European States.

The Montevideo Convention in the case of Pontinha:

The Principality of Pontinha is a micronation located on the Madeiran Archipielago. In the case of Pontinha, this country reaches the 4 principles stablished by the Montevideo Convention. It is not the case of Catalonia. In that Region, the territory is part of Spain, so before being an independent state, this territory needs to secede before, that has not happened. But in the case of Pontinha, the Principality has its own terriotory, whose sovereignty was granted by the King of Portugal to the new owners of the Island of Pontinha, now in hands of the Prince and teacher Renato Barros. So, Pontinha, has a defined and sovereign territory. It has also a population, even this population is too small, in fact, there is a population living there. It has also a government, the Prince Renato Barros ans its diplomats and international representatives. It has also the capacity to stablish relations with other states. Recently, the Principality of Pontinha has tried to stablish relations with the Republic of Portugal and even with some other governments, like the ones of Seborga or Liberland. So, that is to say, a tiny Principality, like Pontinha reaches the 4 principles of the Montevideo Convention, while a big and important region like Catalonia, does not reach these principles. That is law and law sometimes is more complex that what people think it is.

Would you like to have a Passport from Pontinha?

Prince Renato II of Pontinha is fighting for the Independence of his own country, the Principality of Pontinha. The government of Portug...