Through Internet, you will find a lot of webpages or blogs talking about
micronations. But information is not only Internet. Along our history, the writers
and the journalist are the ones who wrote most of the important events and they
are the ones who leave the mark. A lot of writers are big followers of
micronations. Not only libertarian writeres. A lot of people along the last
decades have become enthusiasts of some political alternatives that have
emerged. And one of them are the micronations. This entities are peculiar forms
of government that allow writers to write about a topic which it is not very
known around the world. When somebody says that a platform as Roughs Tower is a
State, or when someone says that in Madeira we can find an islet which is a
Principality, people get surprised. And this is why I want to make a list of a
lot of writers and journalist who have talked about micronations and who have
writen several books about this topic. This writers are focused on a curious
public which is interested in peculiar political subjects.
Nick Middleton
An Atlas of Countries That Don't Exist: A Compendium of Fifty
Unrecognized and Largely Unnoticed States
John Ryan, George Dunford, Simon Sellars, they wrote the book: Micronations, in 2006
Mohammad Bahareth, he wrote ''Micronations: For Those Who Are Tired of Existing Incompetent Governments ...''
Kathy Ceceri, she wrote ''MICRONATIONS: Invent Your Own Country and Culture with 25 Projects''
Micronations: Micronation, Principality of Sealand, List of Micronations, Neue Slowenische Kunst, Republic of Rose Island, Freetown, wroten by Source Wikipedia, LLC Books.
Micronations in the United States: Native American Tribes, Puebloan Peoples, Tohono O'Odham, Cree, Arapaho People, Sauk People, Zapotec Peoples, Lucay, wroten by General Books, 2013
Horus Michael, writer of Your Micronation Passport: Akua-Niihau and Iapana
La reconnaissance des micro-nations wrote by STEPHANE-BERTIN HOFFMANN
John Hartley wrote Digital Futures for Cultural and Media Studies. It is not a book about micronations but he talks about Subnational minorities where he includes micronations.
Rich Horton wrote Fantasy: The Best of the Year 2006, where ha talks about micronations.
Lonely Planet blue list: the best in travel 2007 by Lonely Planet Publications (Firm).
Books like After the Rain of Sam Vaknin, Lidija Rangelovska or Neptune's Brood of Charles Stross, they also talk about micronations.
K. Somerville in his book Radio Propaganda and the Broadcasting of Hatred, he talks about tribes and he compares tribes to micronations.
Godfrey Mwakikagile is an author who wrote Remembering the Sixties: A Look at Africa and he also compares tribes to micronations.
Peter Sheldrake wrote Elephants on Roller Skates
Valerie Wyatt - 2017 wrote How to Build Your Own Country
“Holding The Fort”, written by Prince Michael of Sealand, the true story of his unbelievable adventures over the last 50 years on Sealand.
The book uncovers the truth behind Michael’s kidnap by armed terrorists, his family setting up their own island nation, government sieges, top secret government documents and multiple attempts to bring an end to the Sealand dream. The book includes previously unseen photos from his family’s personal collection.
“The story of Sealand is stranger than fiction, better than Hollywood and more surreal than Dali” – Ben Fogle (Adventurer, author and broadcaster)

“When a story features sawn-off shotguns, dawn helicopter raids, pistol whippings, temperamental generators, shady tax accountants, devious gangsters and at least one flying headbutt to the bridge of the nose, ‘romantic’ probably isn’t the word that springs instantly to mind. Especially when at the heart of that story is an outwardly charmless, forbidding structure way out in the cold and dark of the North Sea.
Yet the story of the Principality of Sealand is a patently romantic one. It’s a classic case of the underdog kicking against authority and winning; a heartwarming narrative of battling the odds that’s grounded in good old- fashioned British eccentricity. It’s a riproaring yarn, a classic Boy’s Own tale related here by the boy himself, Michael of Sealand, with verve, wit and panache. But look beneath the surface, beyond the guns and dastardly plots, and you learn from these pages that Sealand is also a story of family; of loyalty, respect and devotion flowing between generations and filtered through this tiny principality off the Essex coast; channeled through the dreams, hopes and stubborn stand against seemingly impossible odds of the Bates family.
The story of Sealand is like an Ealing comedy crossed with a Bond film and scripted by John Le Carré. It’s a story that has often been swathed in myth and blighted by rumour, but here, at last, is the definitive tale from the man best qualified to tell it. And he tells it very well indeed.” – Charlie Connelly . Charlie is a bestselling writer and award-winning broadcaster.
Mulumbati Ngasha wrote Les relations internationales, where he also talk about micronations
Pierre-Alexis Blevin wrote Les micro-États européens: Étude historique, juridique et fiscale. It is a book about microstates, not micronations. But he also talks about microantions and compare them to microstates in a certain way.
Julien Oeuillet, wrote Le business des vanités
Gerardo Martín Pascual wrote En el Corazon de Otros Tiempos and he dedicates a chapter called ''El Consulado de Sealand'' where he talks about the Principality of Sealand and about the ambassadors that this Principality had in Spain in the 90's.
Eleonore Kofman, Gillian Youngs - 2008, wrote Globalization, 3rd Edition: Theory and Practice. They talk about the Principality of Sealand.
Fernández Mallo, Agustín wrote Proyecto Nocilla
A user called Quelle Wikipedia wrote Mikronation: Freistadt Christiania, Seborga, Hay-On-Wye, Kugelmugel, Sealand, Republik Freies Wendland, Ladonien, Principality of Hutt River, Rüterber
Atlas Obscura: Entdeckungsreisen zu den verborgenen Wundern der
Welt wrote by Joshua Foer,Ella Morton and Dylan Thuras
Anna Margaretha Horatschek,Anja Pistor-Hatam wrote Identitäten im Prozess: Region, Nation, Staat, Individuum
Deutsche Bauzeitung: Fachzeitschrift für Architektur und Bautechnik, Volumen 135
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