Saturday, 11 November 2017

Constitution of Lostisland


We, the multinational people of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, united by a common faith in our land, establishing human rights and freedoms, civil peace and accord, preserving the historically established unity of the state, proceeding from the universally recognised principles of equality and self-determination of peoples, belief in good and justice, asserting the firmness of its democratic basis, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Lostisland, proceeding from the responsibility for our Fatherland before present and future generations, recognising ourselves as part of a World community adopt the following document as our constitution.
Chapter I The Fundamentals of the Constitutional System

Article I
The Federal Republic of Lostisland is an unofficial international membership organization emulating a nation state and operating with a republican governmental system.
The names “Federal Republic of Lostisland” and “Lostisland” shall be equal.

Article II
The only source of power in the Federal Republic of Lostisland are Lostisland’s “citizens” – individuals who filed the application form and were admitted as members of the organization, or who were born to a citizen of Lostisland, or who obtained citizenship via bilateral agreements.
The citizens exercise their power directly and also indirectly through elections.
The supreme direct expression of the citizens’ power of the people shall be referenda and free elections.
No one may usurp power in Lostisland. Seizure of power or usurping state authority shall be prosecuted under federal law.

Article III
As part of emulating a nation state, the Federal Republic of Lostisland may declare symbolic “sovereignty” over land plots. Such “sovereignty” shall not be treated as a declaration of a territorial dispute, but rather as part of Lostisland’s cultural heritage.
The sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall cover the whole of its territory.

Article IV
The Federal Republic of Lostisland consists of Federations which shall all be equal subjects of the Federal Republic of Lostisland.
A federal subject shall have its own legislation and executive body. Such legislation may not overrule that of the Federal Republic of Lostisland as a whole.
The federal structure of Lostisland is based on its state integrity, the unity of the system of state authority, the division of authority and powers between the bodies of state power of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and bodies of state power of the federal subjects, the equality and self-determination of peoples in the Federal Republic of Lostisland.

Article V
Citizenship of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall be acquired and terminated according to federal law; it shall be one and equal.
A citizen of the Federal Republic of Lostisland may not be deprived of his or her citizenship, except in cases as decided by a court of law.

Article VI
State power in the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall be exercised on the basis of its division into legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative, executive and judicial authorities shall be independent.

Article VII
State power in the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall be exercised by the Federal President, the Federal Prime Minister, the Government, and the courts.
State power in the federal subjects of Lostisland shall be exercised by the bodies of state authority created by them.

Article VIII
In the Federal Republic of Lostisland local self-government shall be recognised and guaranteed. Local self-government shall be independent within the limits of its authority. The bodies of local self-government shall not be part of the system of state authorities.

Article IX
In the Federal Republic of Lostisland ideological and/or political diversity shall be recognised.
Public associations shall be equal before the law.
The creation and activities of public associations whose aims and actions are aimed at a forced change of the fundamental principles of the constitutional system and at violating the integrity of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, at undermining its security, at setting up armed units, and at instigating social, racial, national and religious strife shall be prohibited.

Article X
The Federal Republic of Lostisland is a secular state. No state or obligatory religion may be established.
Religious associations shall be separate from the State and shall be equal before the law.

Article XI
The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall have the supreme juridical force, direct application and shall be used on the whole territory of the Federal Republic of Lostisland. Laws and other legal acts adopted in the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall not contradict the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland.
The bodies of state authority, bodies of local self-government, officials, private citizens and their associations shall be obliged to observe the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and her laws.
Laws shall be officially published. Unpublished laws shall be considered non-existant.

Article XII
The English language shall have the status of Official language.
The Dutch, Turkish, Russian, Spanish and Lostislandic languages shall have the status of Regional language.

Article XIII
The provisions of the present chapter of the Constitution comprise the fundamental principles of the constitutional system of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, and may not be changed without a 66% majority in a referendum.
Chapter II The Rights and Freedoms of Man and Women

Article XIV
In the Federal Republic of Lostisland recognition and guarantees shall be provided for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen according to the universally recognised principles and norms of international law and according to the present Constitution.
Fundamental human rights and freedoms are inalienable and shall be enjoyed by everyone from the day of birth.

Article XV
All people shall be equal before the law and courts.
The State, within the limits of her authority, shall guarantee the equality of rights and freedoms of man and women, regardless of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, property, official status, place of residence, religion, convictions, membership of public associations, and also of other circumstances. All forms of limitations of human rights on social, racial, national, linguistic or religious grounds shall be banned.

Article XVI
Everyone shall have the right to the inviolability of private life, personal and family secrets, the protection of one’s honour and good name.
Everyone shall have the right to privacy of correspondence, of telephone conversations, postal, telegraph and other messages. Limitations of this right shall be allowed only by court decision.
Collection, keeping, use and dissemination of information about the private life of a person shall not be allowed without his or her consent.

Article XVII
Everyone shall be guaranteed the freedom of conscience, the freedom of religion, including the right to profess individually or together with others any religion or to profess no religion at all, to freely choose, possess and disseminate religious and other views and act according to them.

Article XVIII
Everyone shall be guaranteed the freedom of ideas and speech.
No one may be forced to express his views and convictions or to reject them.
Everyone shall have the right to freely look for, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information by any legal means. The list of data comprising state secrets shall be determined by a federal law.
The freedom of mass communication shall be guaranteed.

Article XIX
Everyone shall have the right to association. The freedom of activity of public association shall be guaranteed.
No one may be compelled to join any association and remain in it.

Article XX
Citizens of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall have the right to participate in managing state affairs both directly and through their representatives.
Citizens of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall have the right to elect and be elected to state bodies of power and local self-government bodies, and also to participate in referenda.
Citizens of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall enjoy equal access to state service.
Citizens of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall have the right to participate in administering justice.

Article XXI
Citizens of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall have the right to address personally, as well as to submit individual and collective appeals to state bodies and local self-government bodies.

Article XXII
The right of private property shall be protected by law.
The right of inheritance shall be guaranteed.

Article XXIII
Everyone shall be guaranteed the freedom of literary, artistic, scientific, technical and other types of creative activity, and teaching. Intellectual property shall be protected by law.

Article XXIV
Everyone shall be guaranteed judicial protection of his rights and freedoms.
Decisions and actions (or inaction) of bodies of state authority and local self-government, public associations and officials may be appealed against in court.

Article XXV
No one may be deprived of the right to the consideration of his or her case in that court and by that judge in whose cognizance the given case is according to law.
Everyone accused of committing a crime shall be considered innocent until his guilt is proved and confirmed by the sentence of a court which has come into legal force.
The accused shall not be obliged to prove his innocence.

Article XXVI
No one may be convicted twice for one and the same crime.
In administering justice it shall not be allowed to use evidence received by violating federal law.

Article XXVII
No one shall be obliged to give evidence incriminating themselves, a husband or wife or close relatives the range of whom is determined by federal law.

Article XXVIII
A law introducing or aggravating responsibility shall not have retrospective effect.
No one may bear responsibility for an action which was not regarded as a crime when it was committed. If after violating the law the relevant responsibility is eliminated or mitigated, the new law shall be applied.

Article XXIX
In conditions of a state of emergency, in order to ensure the safety of citizens and the protection of the constitutional system and in accordance with federal constitutional law certain limitations may be placed on human rights and freedoms with the establishment of the extent and duration of such limitations.
The military forces of the Federal Republic of Lostisland may take measure as they see necessary during a state of emergency.
A state of emergency may be declared in the whole territory of the Federal Republic of Lostisland by a federal law signed by the Federal President and Federal Prime Minister.

Article XXX
Defence of the Fatherland shall be a duty and obligation of citizens of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, both male and female.

Article XXXI
A citizen of the Federal Republic of Lostisland may exercise his or her rights and duties in full from the age of 18.

Article XXXII
The provisions of the present chapter of the Constitution comprise the Rights and Freedoms of the Man and Women of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, and may not be changed without a 66% majority in a referendum.
Chapter III The Federal Structure

Article XXXIII
The Federal Republic of Lostisland comprises of the following federal subjects:
Federation of Hunter
Federation of Belastrova
Federation of Jax
The admission to the Federal Republic of Lostisland and the creation in it of a new subject shall be carried out according to the rules established by the federal constitutional law.

Article XXXIV
The territory of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall include the territories of its federal subjects, inland waters and territorial sea, and the air space over them.

Article XXXV
The state flag, coat of arms and anthem of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, their description and rules for official use thereof shall be established by the federal constitutional law.

Article XXXVI
The jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Lostisland includes:
adoption and amending of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and federal laws, control over their observance;
federal structure and the territory of the Federal Republic of Lostisland;
regulation and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen and citizenship;
establishment of the system of federal legislative, executive and judicial bodies, the rules for their organisation and activities, formation of federal bodies of state authority;
establishment of the principles of federal policy and federal programmes in the sphere of state, economic, ecological, social, cultural and national development of the Federal Republic of Lostisland;
establishment of the legal basis for a single market; financial, currency, credit, and customs regulation, money issue, the principles of pricing policy; federal economic services, including federal banks;
foreign policy and international relations of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, international treaties and agreements of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, issues of war and peace;
defence and security;
state awards of the Federal Republic of Lostisland.

Article XXXVII
The joint jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and the Federal subjects includes:
providing for the correspondence of the constitutions and laws of the federal subjects to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and federal laws;
protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen; protection of the rights of national minorities; ensuring the rule of law, law and order, public security and the border zone regime;
personnel of the judicial and law enforcement agencies;
establishment of common principles of organisation of the system of bodies of state authority and local self-government.

Outside the limits of authority of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and the powers of the Federal Republic of Lostisland on issues under joint jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and the subjects of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, the federal subjects of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall possess full state authority.

Article XXXIX
The monetary unit in the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall be the real. Money issue shall be carried out exclusively by the Central Bank of the Federal Republic of Lostisland. Introduction and issue of other currencies in Lostisland shall not be allowed.

Article XL
On the issues under the jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Lostisland federal constitutional laws and federal laws shall be adopted and have direct action in the whole territory of the Federal Republic of Lostisland.
On the issues under the joint jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and federal subjects of the Federal Republic of Lostisland federal laws shall be issued and laws and other normative acts of the subjects of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall be adopted according to them.
Federal laws may not contradict the federal constitutional laws.

Article XLI
The federal bodies of executive power in order to exercise their powers may create their own territorial bodies and appoint corresponding officials.
The federal bodies of executive power by agreement with the bodies of executive power of the subjects of the Federal Republic of Lostisland may transfer to them the fulfillment of a part of their powers, if this does not contradict the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and federal laws.
The Federal President, the Federal Prime Minister and the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall ensure, according to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, the implementation of the powers of federal state authority in the whole territory of the Federal Republic of Lostisland.
Chapter IV The Federal President

Article XLII
The Federal President shall be the head of the State.
The Federal President shall be guarantor of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, of the rights and freedoms of man and women. According to the rules established by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, he shall adopt measures to protect the sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, its independence and state integrity, ensure coordinated functioning and interaction of all the bodies of state power.
According to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and federal laws the Federal President shall determine the guidelines of the internal and foreign policies of the State.
As the head of the State the Federal President represents the Federal Republic of Lostisland inside it and in international relations.

Article XLIII
The Federal President shall be elected for a term of four years by citizens of the Federal Republic of Lostisland on the basis of universal equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.
Any citizen of the Federal Republic of Lostisland not younger than 18 years of age may be elected Federal President.
One and the same person may not be elected Federal President for more than two terms running.
The rules for electing the Federal President shall be determined by the federal law.

Article XLIV
When taking office the Federal President shall take the following oath of loyalty to the people: “Having been elected by the will of God and people, to the high office ofPresident of the glorious Lostislandic Republic, I solemnly swear that I will be faithful and true to the Republic, that I will at all times preserve, protect and defend her Constitution, laws and customs, stand for the ideals of freedom and democracy. I further swear in the name of God, the Almighty Father and the Great Architect of the Universe, to do my best for the well-being of the Lostislandic nation, and devote myself to the Sacred Mount of Hunter. May the blessing of the Great Architect and the Sacred Mount be with me during my term as President, AD MAIOREM LOSTISLANDI GLORIAM, IN NOMINE LIBERTATIS”.
The oath shall be taken in a solemn atmosphere in the presence of the Federal Prime Minister, the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and the judges of the Supreme court of Lostisland.

Article XLV
The Federal President shall:
appoint the Federal Prime Minister after his election on the basis of universal equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot;
adopt decision on the resignation of the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland;
appoint and dismiss members of the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland upon nomination by the Federal Prime Minister;
appoint and dismiss judges of the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor-General upon nomination by the Federal Prime Minister;
appoint and dismiss the Chairman of the Central Bank of Lostisland upon nomination by the Federal Prime Minister;
form and head the Security Council of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, the status of which is determined by federal law;
form the Administration of the Federal President;approve the military doctrine of the Federal Republic of Lostisland;
appoint and dismiss plenipotentiary representatives of the Federal President;
appoint and dismiss the supreme command of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Lostisland;
after consultations with corresponding committees appoint and recall diplomatic representatives of the Federal Republic of Lostisland in foreign States and international organisations.

Article XLVI
The Federal President shall:
Announce the election of the Federal Prime Minister according to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and the federal law;
sign and make public federal laws jointly with the Federal Prime Minister;

Article XLVII
The Federal President shall have the right to suspend acts of the bodies of executive power of the subjects of the Federal Republic of Lostisland if these acts contradict the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and the federal laws or international commitments of the Federal Republic of Lostisland or violate the rights and freedoms of man and citizen until the issue is solved by a corresponding court.

Article XLVIII
The Federal President shall:
govern the foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Lostisland;
hold negotiations and sign international treaties and agreements of the Federal Republic of Lostisland;
receive credentials and letters of recall of diplomatic representatives accredited to him;

Article XLVIX
The Federal President shall be the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Lostisland.

Article L
The President of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall:
solve the issues of citizenship of the Federal Republic of Lostisland;
decorate with state awards of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, higher military and higher special ranks;
decide on pardoning;

Article LI
The Federal President shall issue decrees and orders.
Decrees and orders of the Federal President shall not run counter to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and federal laws.

Article LII
The Federal President shall possess immunity.

Article LIII
The Federal President shall take up his powers from the moment of taking the oath of loyalty and cease to fulfil them with the expiration of the term of office and from the moment a newly-elected president is sworn in.
The Federal President shall cease to exercise his powers short of the term in the case of his resignation, consistent inability because of health reasons to exercise the powers vested in him or in case of impeachment. In this case the election of the Federal President shall take place not later than three months from the termination of the powers short of the term.
In all cases when the Federal President is incapable of fulfilling his duties, they shall be temporarily fulfilled by the Federal Prime Minister. The Acting Federal President shall have no right to call a election for the office of Federal President, call a referendum, or to submit proposals on amendments to, and review of, the provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland.

Article LIV
The Federal President may be impeached by the Supreme Court of Lostisland only on the basis of charges of high treason or another grave crime, advanced by the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and confirmed by the conclusion of the Supreme Court of Lostisland on the presence of the elements of a crime in the actions of the Federal President.
The decision of the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland on advancing charges shall be adopted by two thirds of the votes of the total number of members on the initiative of not less than one third of the members.
Chapter V The Federal Prime Minister and the Government

Article LV
The Federal Prime Minister shall be the head of the Government.
The Federal Prime Minister shall be responsible for implementing the policy of government as decided by the Federal President.

Article LVI
The Federal Prime Minister shall be elected for a term of four years by citizens of the Federal Republic of Lostisland on the basis of universal equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.
Any citizen of the Federal Republic of Lostisland not younger than 18 years of age may be elected Federal Prime Minister.
The rules for electing the Federal Prime Minister shall determined by the federal law.

Article LVII
The jurisdiction of the Federal Prime Minister includes:
hearing of annual reports of the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland on the results of its activity;
nominate members of the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland to the Federal President;
nominate candidates for the office of judges of the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor-General to the Federal President;
nominate candidates for the office of the Chairman of the Central Bank of Lostisland to the Federal President;
co-sign decrees, orders and federal laws jointly with the Federal President;

Article LVIII
Executive power in Lostisland shall be exercised by the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland.
The Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland consists of the Federal Prime Minister, Deputy Federal Prime Minister and federal ministers.

Article LVIX
According to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, federal laws and decrees of the Federal President the Federal Prime Minister shall determine the guidelines for the activities of the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and organise its work.

Article LX
The Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall:
ensure the implementation in the Federal Republic of Lostisland of a single financial, credit and monetary policy;
carry out measures to secure the defence of the country, state security, and the implementation of the foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Lostisland;
implement measures to ensure the rule of law, human rights and freedoms, protection of property and public order, and control of crime;
exercise other powers vested in it by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, the federal laws and decrees of the Federal President.

Article LXI
On the basis and for the sake of implementation of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, federal laws, normative decrees of the Federal President, the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall issue decisions and orders and ensure their implementation.
The decisions and orders of the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall be obligatory for fulfillment in the Federal Republic of Lostisland.
The decisions and orders of the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, if they are inconsistent with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, federal laws and decrees of the Federal President, may be cancelled by the Federal President.

Article LXII
The Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall resign in the event of a newly-elected Federal President.

Article LXIII
The Federal Prime Minister may raise before the Federal President the issue of no-confidence in the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland. The Federal President shall adopt within seven days a decision on the resignation of the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland.

Article LXIV
In the case of a resignation of the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland it shall continue to work on the instruction of the Federal President until a new Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland is formed.
Chapter VI Judicial Power

Article LXV
Justice in the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall be administered by courts alone.
Judicial power shall be exercised by means of constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal proceedings.
The judicial system of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall be instituted by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and the federal constitutional law. The creation of extraordinary courts shall not be allowed.

Article LXVI
Judges are to be citizens of the Federal Republic of Lostisland over 18 years of age. Federal law may introduce additional requirements for judges of the courts of the Federal Republic of Lostisland.

Article LXVII
Judges shall be independent and submit only to the Constitution and federal law.
If after considering a case the court of law decides that an act of a state or other body contradicts the law it shall pass an appropriate decision according to the law.

Article LXVIII
Trial in absentia in criminal courts shall not be allowed except in cases fixed by the federal law.
Judicial proceedings shall be held on the basis of confrontation and equality of the parties.
In cases fixed by the federal law justice shall be administered by a jury court.

Article LXVIX
The Supreme Court of Lostisland shall consist of a maximum of 5 judges.
The Supreme Court of Lostisland upon requests of the Federal President, the Federal Prime Minister or the Government of Lostisland shall consider cases on the correspondence to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland of:
treaties concluded between the bodies of state authority of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and the bodies of state authority of the subjects of the Federal Republic of Lostisland;
federal laws, normative acts of the Federal President, the Federal Prime Minister, the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland;
nd, treaties concluded between the bodies of state authority of the subjects of the Federal Republic of Lostisland;
international treaties and agreements of the Federal Republic of Lostisland which have not come into force.
The Supreme Court of Lostisland shall resolve disputes on jurisdiction:
between the federal bodies of state authority;
between the bodies of state authority of the Federal Republic of Lostisland and the bodies of state authority of the federal subjects of the Federal Republic of Lostisland;
between the higher bodies of state authority of the federal subjects of the Federal Republic of Lostisland
The Supreme Court of Lostisland upon complaints about violations of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens and upon court requests shall check, according to the rules fixed by federal law, the constitutionality of a law applied or subject to be applied in a concrete case.
The Supreme Court of Lostisland upon the requests of the Federal President, the Federal Prime Minister, the Government of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, the bodies of the legislative power of the subjects of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, shall give its interpretation of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland.
Acts or their provisions recognised as unconstitutional shall become invalid; international treaties and agreements not corresponding to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall not be liable to enforcement and application.

Article LXX

The Supreme Court of Lostisland shall be the supreme judicial body for civil, criminal, administrative and other cases under the jurisdiction of regular courts, shall carry out judicial supervision over their activities according to procedural forms envisaged in federal law and provide explanations on issues of court proceedings.

Article LXXI
The Supreme Court of Lostisland shall be headed by the Praesus of the Supreme Court of Lostisland.
The Praesus of the Supreme Court of Lostisland shall be elected by the members of the Supreme Court of Lostisland from amongst its members.

Article LXXII
Judges of other federal courts shall be appointed by the Federal President according to the rules fixed by federal law.

Article LXXIII
The Prosecutor-General’s office shall form a single centralised structure in which procurators are subordinate to superior prosecutors and the Prosecutor-General of the Federal Republic of Lostisland.
The Prosecutors of the federal subjects of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall be appointed by the Prosecutor-General of the Federal Republic of Lostisland by agreement with the federal subjects.
The powers, organisation and the rules of the functioning of the Prosecutor-General’s Office of the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall be determined by federal law.
Chapter VII Constitutional Amendments

Article LXXIV
The Articles XLIII, XLIV and LIV shall come into force after the Death or Resignation of Yaroslav Mar who by Presidential Decree was named the President for Life.

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