Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Organization of Emerging African States (OEAS)

The Organization of Emerging African States (OEAS) is an IGO dedicated to providing strategic services to the emerging nations of Africa and their citizens.

OEAS member states are united by one shared principle — they all seek self determination and believe self determination to be inevitable.
The colonial era borders of Africa must be shattered as an artifical construct of the 20th century. Just as the USSR dissolved, so too will the status quo in Africa which is propped up by economic and geopolitical interest inimical to the aspiration of Africans.
Africa is a paradox which illustrates and highlights neo-colonialism. Her earth is rich, yet the products that come from above and below the soil continue to enrich, not Africans predominantly, but groups and individuals who operate to Africa's impoverishment.
The Africa of today clings tenaciously to the 1885 Boundaries of the Congress of Berlin. Only when this colonial paradigm is broken will Africa be truly free to form itself into its actual constituent states and assume its status as a world power.

The OEAS is a NGO dedicated true freedom in Africa. Our principles are encompassed in the The Washington Declaration of 2010. This amazing document provides a road map for a free and propserous Africa united in freedom.

The OEAS is a registered non profit corporation based in Washington DC with a General Assembly of States planned for Juba, South Sudan.
Prospective Member States and Organizations seeking Consultative Status may contact us at our contact email address.



All Emerging African nations and governments who support the Declaration of Washington are welcome as members.

The following entities and exile governments have been designated emerging African states by the OEAS:

- Republic of Cabinda

- Southern Cameroons

- Biafra

- Mthwakazi

- The Dagara People

- The Lunda People

- Indian Ocean Islands (UMMOA)**

- Vhavenda

- Principado Ilhéu da Pontinha

- Rif Republic: represented by Rif Independence Movement**

- Canary Islands: represented by Vecinos Unidos Canarios**

- Kabylia: represented by Provisional Government of Kabylia**

- Azawad: represented by the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad**

- Matabeleland: represented by the Matabeleland Liberation Organization**

- Batwa

- Maasai

- Ogaden National Liberation Front

- Ogoni

- Oromo Liberation Front

- Dabalorivhuwa Patriotic Front

- Zanzibar

- Equatorial Guinea in Exile

- Chagos Islands

- Darfur

- Republic of Bakassi

- Bas Congo

- Bioko Island

- Barotseland

- National Movement for Eastern Sudan

- Beja Congress

- Jubaland

- Mouvement des forces démocratiques de Casamance

- Oodua Liberation Movement

- Caprivi

- Niger Delta

- Somaliland

- Puntland

- Liberation Front of the Grand-Kasaï

- The Mossi People

- Rodrigues Island

- The Sandwi People

- Bakongo

- Buganda Kingdom

- Azawad

The following organizations are Consultative Members of the OEAS:

Chamber of Computer Logistics People Worldwide (CCLP Worldwide)


Green Alternatives and Peace Movement Uganda

Taiwan Civil Government

Email: respect.taiwan@gmail.com

United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago (UMMOA)

The UMMOA is a Consultative Agency to the OEAS Secretariat on the matter of the Oceanic Biome.

Saint René Descartes University

Saint René Descartes University has been invited to offer its educational programs to OEAS member nations and peoples including, but not limited to its Fellowship Program, which offers recognition for exceptional achievements.

Cesidian Root

The Cesidian Root is an independent root (or Internet) that was started by the Governor of the UMMOA on 30 September 2005, and for the benefit of Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Worlders who wish to utilise this resource for reasons of independence and/or national security.

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